Merging Rows
In Oracle The MERGE statement inserts or updates rows in one table by using data from another table. Each row is inserted or updated in the target table depending on an equijoin condition.
This example matches the employee_id in the tab_new table to the employee_id in the employees table. If a match is found, the row is updated to match the row in the employees table.
If the row is not found, it is inserted into the tab_new table.
The complete example for using MERGE in a PL/SQL block is shown on the next notes page.
Now let us create new table tab_new.
SQL> create table tab_new as select employee_id eid,first_name fname,last_name lname from employees;
Table created.
Describe the structure of tab_new table.
SQL> desc tab_new;
Name Null? Type
----------------------------------------- -------- -----------------
Delete all records from tab_new table.
SQL> truncate table tab_new;
Table truncated.
After deleting records from tab_new , now you can insert new records using in tabl_new table with the follwing command.
SQL> insert into tab_new values(101,'shweta','Deshpande');
1 row created.
SQL> insert into tab_new values(102,'shalina','khan');
1 row created.
SQL> commit;
Commit complete.
SQL> insert into tab_new values(103,'rafat','shaikh');
1 row created.
SQL> commit;
Commit complete.
Now view all the records from tab_new table.
SQL> select * from tab_new;
---------- -------------------- -------------------------
101 shweta Deshpande
102 shalina khan
103 rafat shaikh
Now write an Annonymous block to inserts or updates rows in one table by using merge statement.
SQL> merge into tab_new t
2 using employees e
3 on (t.eid=e.employee_id)
4 when matched then
5 update set
6 t.fname=e.first_name,
7 t.lname=e.last_name
8 when not matched then
9 insert values (e.employee_id,e.first_name,e.last_name)
10 /
107 rows merged.
You can see that If a match is found, the row is updated to match the row in the employees table. If the row is not found, it is inserted into the tab_new table
SQL> select * from tab_new;
---------- -------------------- -------------------------
101 Neena Kochhar
102 Lex De Haan
103 Alexander Hunold
198 Donald OConnell
199 Douglas Grant
107 rows inserted
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